Find Adventist hosts from around the world

Rooms, rides, Sabbath meals, and more by Adventist hosts.

Watch our 90 second explainer video now

Which Type of Adventist Host Are You? SDAbnb has 3 types of SDA Hosts, and you can be more than 1:

You are willing to provide a room to stay, a ride to church or the airport, lunch on Sabbath, or anything hospitable to Adventists who travel to your area.
You have regular events such as CARE groups, Bible studies, potlucks, etc. that Adventists and others in your area can plug into.
You have an Adventist local business such as a restaurant or dental practice or are a professional such as a plumber or mechanic.

What can we help you find? Hospitable offerings by Adventist hosts, events and potlucks by Adventist churches and ministries, and listings by SDA businesses wherever you travel to worldwide.

See Some Adventist Host Listings Explore some of our listings from around the world from our Adventist hosts.

See How It Works Discover how SDAbnb can you help you connect with Adventist Hosts.

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Think About Where You're Headed
Let us know the destination where you are headed.
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See Adventist Hosts in the Area
See listings for rooms, rides, Sabbath meals, and more in the area that you will be in.
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Enjoy the Hospitality of Our Hosts
Connect with Adventist hosts and enjoy the hospitality that they provide. It's that simple!